Employee Benefits

Workplace Insurance

There are a number of insurance and savings benefits for having Workplace Insurance as outlined below:

  1. Workplace Schemes let your employees know that you care about them now and heading into the future which builds good team spirit and morale in the workplace

  2. Additional employment benefits creates happy employees who are committed and involved in keeping their workplace operating in an effective manner

  3. Psychological Studies have shown that workers who feel valued are absent more infrequently which in due course protects the productivity

  4. Skilled staff can be retained in times of low unemployment if they are being offered a valuable package of benefits

  5. It’s cheaper to retain your employees than replace them (ie training and recruiting personnel can cost anywhere between 25-150% of the employee salary)

  6. When negotiating salary packages, subsidised insurance can be a very powerful tool

  7. Subsidised insurance for employees provides a point of difference for your Company at recruitment time

  8. Extending subsidised insurance cover to include an employee’s family in the salary review process can be a generous way to show your employee they are an important and valued part of the Company.

  9. When sick leave entitlements are no longer available, Income Protection assists in managing the finances going forward on a day-to-day basis.

  10. At the time an employee is injured or passes away, Group insurance is highly valuable in assisting the family that are left behind.

  11. KiwiSaver in itself is not enough for retirement, so employer supported Superannuation have a significant recruitment and retention advantage over those that only provide the statutory KiwiSaver benefits.

Large Corporate to Small Medium Businesses

A myriad of options are available for large corporates to small-medium businesses. A typical employee package could incorporate one or all of the following in either an Executive or Floor Staff package and are ideally suited for businesses with 20 or more employees.

  • Group Life Insurance

  • Group Disability Insurance

  • Group Income Protection

  • Group Health Insurance

  • Corporate Employer Supported Superannuation

  • Employer Choice KiwiSaver

  • KiwiSaver

New Innovative Workplace and Small Business Protection Plan

This Plan provides automatic acceptance levels for a wide range of eligible occupations including administrative, professionally qualified employees (such as lawyers and accountants), skilled trades people (such as plumbers and builders who are involved in light manual work) and some heavy manual occupations (such as drivers). The following are ideally suited for businesses with 5-20 employees.

If you have five or more employees, you can provide three great benefits in one package:

  • Life Protection of $50,000

  • Trauma Protection of $10,000

  • Income Protection of 75% of salary, for two years with an eight week wait (max $2,000 per month)

  • An affordable pricing structure

  • An option for members to continue cover after leaving employment if your business has over 10 employees

If you would like to learn more about this process, please Contact us today.